Bulging Eyed Albino Love Slaves 07 13 2010
Or Beals and Beels
One hundred and fifty thousand years ago civilization began in Africa. It is said a group made its way from Africa and from there colonized the rest of the world. So the question that begs an answer is, “Were whites once black or blacks once white?”
If you believe we are descended from apes, what color is the skin of an ape under its fur. Is it white or black? If it is black, were where a few bulging eyed albino cave women? The Albino gene does seem to run in all species, white bears, squirrels, deer, bulls, etc. The bulging eyes part is a convention that just makes the story funny.
Did these bulging eyed Ablino women make coveted lovers. Where they hidden in caves and made captive love slaves? “Lenora sat in the cave with anxiety and anticipation for the one thing in life that to her made it worth living.” It matters not whether she could escape or not, she grew bulging eyes as a seer in the dark in order to adapt.
Are the bulging eyes of these said Albino cave women a mutation as they sought to see better in the dark, “When the men will be visiting with them.”
Did these Albino cave women develop a second sight within their brains for some want of sex as they spryed as to when what men will be next. Did the Bulging Eyed Albino Cave Women unable to see through the dark learn to see through their minds eye, in caves of sequester?
Was this psychic ability then passed along to all races and colors. Medicine men, shamans or witch doctors are said to be able to read entrails and determine the future. Do these Bulging Eyed Albino Love Slaves have that ability? Do they have the ability to read the discarded or disembodied energy bodies of humans? If they have the ability to read the energy life signature of humans, what do they see? Past, present and future?
Were the Bulging Eyed Albino Women really apes that were albino and sequestered and made captive as love slaves or where they pariahs and outcasts that roamed and colonized other lands?
What is the genetic advantage to not being able to be in the sun? Are the Bulging Eyed Albino Love Salves that will indeed lead humanity through a post apocalyptic world of darkness? Is this the true purpose of the Bulging Eyed Women?
In effect do the bulging eyes signify the words,” When will I (pronounced eye) be next.”
Upon reflection on this essay into the origins of mankind and his propogation, I am leaning towards a fifty/fifty probability that they were indeed Bulging Eyed Ebony Love Slaves or BEELS for short. Either way it is pronounciated the same. Because if you lived in a love slave sequestering cave there might be advantages, formed through adaptation passed down genetically to being black. In a timid high voice she whispered in the darkness, “Lenora ain’t here.”
God Bless Those That Do Not Feel Compelled To Write Stuff Like This
Constructive Nonsensical Humor,
by Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy